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Witch Talents

Witch's Domain
0: You are NOT a Witch
1-5:Witches learn very early on that they are able to create small Pocket Dimensions. Dependent on the witch, these Pocket Dimensions can range from a small apartment to a grand hall, with many rooms. The size of the dimension is equal to [10xRANKxREI STR] sqft (Minimum of 20 sqft). This dimension bends and shapes itself to the Witches will, changing shape as they wish it to. This area is used to store things for the Witch, such as Familiars when not in use to be called upon, and any may enter the domain as long as they pass through the portal to it. This can act as an escape portal for Witches, opening at Reiryoku Speed and requiring it to be opened 1 round before leaving the next round. When summoning a familiar, you must open the portal and call its name, costing 2 stamina each time one comes through. A portal meant to call a familiar may not be used as a means of escape. If one wishes to leave the Witch's Domain, they need only mentally think about leaving. This will put them at the exact place they had entered the Dimension. The Witch however, may think of any place that they have been within the WoTL and be transported there from within their Domain.


These souls remember what it is to be a true part of the Soul King. Most revere him as a god and are constantly looking for a way to get closer to him. 


They bind minor Hollows to themselves in order to use them as Familiars. These Familiars fight alongside the witch and any damage one another takes, reflects upon the other. Making the relationship one of symbiosis. They need to protect one another to survive.


Through the years, the Witches are the only Living Humans that have kept their connection to the Soul King intact fully, but they are also able to sever that connection extremely easily.




Kindred Souls

Iraivan Devotee

Soul-King Descendant

Substitute Shinigami


  • No need to pay for a summon as your Familiar fills that role

  • Strong in 1v1 scenarios

  • Access to the most Paths in the game


  • No access to a Tier 2 release directly

  • Damage is reflected from you to your hollow and vice versa




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