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Dragonclad Talents

Draconic Soul -
0: You have not unlocked your core yet.
1: Your physical attacks now use your Reiryoku Strength stat as their damage as they become coated in your Reiatsu.
2-5 Increase Reiryoku Strength by [RANK]




Draconic Physiology -
0: You do not have access to your Draconic Physiology.
1-5:This replaces your Familiar talent and acts as a Tier 2 release: restoring [RANKx2] stamina and increasing each of your stats by [RANKx4]%. As such, you now gain an ability to change your physiology in certain ways much like a Hollow's Unique Anatomy. Able to submit up to [RANK] appendages or features that change within yourself when you release. This allows you to use your starting skills, and provides an additional T1 for each rank. While within this release, you will be unable to use any of your Witch Talents, with the exception of Reverse Step.
5: Unlock the ability to fully fuse with your Draconic Soul.




Dragoon Spirit -
0: You are unable to fuse with your Draconic Soul. Requires Rank 5 in Draconic Physiology.
1-5: This replaces your Soul Resnonance talent and acts as a Tier 2 release: restoring [RANKx2] stamina and increasing each of your stats by [RANKx4]%. This transformation gives you armor coating your skin and increases your Endurance by 2 and reduces your speed (both Reiryoku and physical speed) by 4. This also gives you an extra Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Skill slot to use with your Dragoon Spirit transformation.
5: Fully master your Draconic soul! Unlocks the ability to learn Draconic Embrace.




Draconic Embrace -
0: Unable to tap fully into your Draconic Soul. Requires Rank 5 in Dragoon Spirit.
1-5: This is a Tier 3 release: restoring [RANKx2] stamina and increasing each of your stats by [RANKx5]%. Upon this transformation, you are able to call upon your grimoire once more even within your draconic form, and in some cases this may not change your appearance in anyway, but instead simply allow your grimoire to be summoned. Your Draconic core glows, increasing your Reiryoku Strength even further by 3 levels. Your grimoire no longer requires incantations in order to cast their Tier 2 variants.




Dragons Vitality -
0: Unable to tap into the healing capabilities of your spirit.
1-5:Recover damage for (5-RANK/2) stamina up to (RANK) appendages, but does not include organs or head.




Dragon of the Elements -
0: Your Draconic soul holds no real elemental power.
1-5:You are able to produce a smaller projectile from a place dictated on your body in which you produce an element. This projectile uses Reiryoku stats and will move at speed + (RANK) striking at a Tier 1 level, using subsequent stamina to do so.
5: Gain ability to increase shot to a Tier 2 level.


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