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Titan Talents

Titan Core
0: You are NOT a Titan.

1-5:Each Titan has a core that acts as an A.I.. For living Titans this core is a chip implanted at the base of their skull. For Mod Soul Titans it is their core. This A.I. augments the Titan with heightened senses and abilities. All of their technology is powered via this chip, drawing in air from around them and converting it into Reishi in real time to power their devices making them independant on electricity. However, without access to Kishi to transform into Reishi, Titan's are put on a timer until thier energy runs out. Though while having access to Kishi, their core sends nanites throughout their bloodstream. Increases Stamina by [RANK].


Human kind will always find a way. This has rung true for as long as time has been recorded.


Through technology, human kind has found their way once more. Able to move faster, punch harder, and survive hits that would decimate mountains. The Titan is the apex of human/technology evolution. A perfect symbiosis of man and machine. 





Tech Transcendent

Unbound Titan



  • Very good Close Quarters Combat

  • Versatile weaponry

  • No Extra Sensing Talents needed

  • Able to see on all planes and spectrums in seconds


  • Ultimately Human with No Spiritual powers at all

  • No inherit Tier 3 Release




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