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Within Shattered Realms we have a different way of doing stats. We have "Base Stats" and "Hidden Stats" and "Proxy Stats", with your Base Stats dictating your Hidden Stats in some way or fashion. These stats will interact with your skills in multiple ways. Only Talents and releases will effect Base stats, which will in-turn effect your Hidden Stats. Not all Talents will effect your Base Stats.

Base Stats

Within Shattered Realms there are 5 different stats to put your stat points into within your character: Reiryoku Speed, Reiryoku Strength, Physical Speed, Physical Strength, Endurance. Each of these will be explained here in further detail.


Reiryoku Strength:

This is the strength of your spiritual energy, be it within yourself, or in a form outside of your body such as a beam or sword or projectile, what have you. Constructs that are formed from your Reiryoku will have this stat as their durability and this stat may directly contest against another player's Reiryoku Strength or Physical Strength in power. This is not to be confused with the physical strength of your body, but may be used to reinforce the physical strength of your body.


Reiryoku Speed:

This is how fast your spiritual energy can move, whether it be within your body or without. Examples of this would be how fast your beam ability fires and how fast it moves across the space between you and your target, or how fast your energy sword projects itself. This is not to be confused with your Physical Speed, but may be used to supplement your physical speed by pushing yourself with your Reiryoku Speed


Physical Strength:

This stat dictates how strong your physical body is in regards to power as well as any sort of physical construct in your possession (i.e. a sword) and they will have this stat as their durability, being able to directly contest against another player's Reiryoku Strength or Physical Strength in power. This is the stat that dictates physical projectiles speed and power but that will be explained in combat quarters. This is not to be confused with Reiryoku Strength. 


Physical Speed:

This is the speed at which your physical body can move. In all regards if you are moving your body and not supplementing it with your Reiryoku in some way this is the stat to determine how fast you are going. How fast you swing your sword, move your muscles, flick your fingers, etc etc. Are all dictated by this stat. 



How tough your body is in a physical sense. When you are hit by something, this is the stat to dictate how much damage that hit would do to you. Endurance directly reflects how tough your body, bones, organs, blood, essentially any part that would be your body is, and its hardness. Lastly, your Endurance dictates how much power and speed your body can handle, and if ever your Strength or your Speed from either stat becomes greater than 10 above your endurance, your body will tear itself apart. This does not mean you instantly die, but you will take damage equal to the endurance rule broken (i.e. 10 in base, 15 in T1 release, etc.) and a limb of your choice that was used will be broken and unusable for the rest of the fight.

Hidden Stats


Perception is your body's capability to receive and process data that it is able to sense and is equal to your highest speed stat. Be this through a sensing skill, physical vision, sight, smell, etc. your perception will dictate the reality that your character can sense and react to. This stat can not be supplemented in anyway, even if you "increase" your physical speed by using your Reiryoku, it will not effect this stat. Furthermore, if you are moving too fast for your own perception to be able to catch things, you may crash into something, fall, roll, fumble, etc. simply because you yourself can not see where you're going. A breakdown of perception will be below, and note that just because you are able to perceive things does not mean you will have the speed to react to it in the case of defending or attacking. 
If your Physical speed is higher than your Reiryoku speed and you somehow raise your Reiryoku speed to be greater than your Physical speed, your perception will not change and will still be based on your Physical speed.


This stat is also responsible for your Precision. Also known as your aim when firing projectiles or beams. If your beam is too fast, you will be unable to aim it properly as it fires off and thus be off target. The second part of each difference will be how it affects your aim.
0-6 difference:

You will be able to see everything clearly happening in your perception (barring any illusions or anything of the like)


You are able to fire directly where you are aiming at, whether the thing stays there or not is up to it.
7-9 difference:

The thing you are trying to perceive will be but a blur in your vision/sense. If you are moving, you will find it difficult if not impossible to be able to plant your feet where you want to, possibly resulting in you missing your mark or even falling over due to tripping.


You are able to still hit what you are aiming at, though your aim is off and you may miss or you may be a few inches off. Recommend compensating a bit for something this speed.
10+ difference:

You can not perceive something moving this fast. If you are the thing moving at this speed above what your perception is, you will not be able to get your feet under you, perceive where you're going, or what is around you. Everything will be a blur so fast that it melds together. You will crash into something, miss your mark and not be able to tell where you're going at all.


You are unable to aim clearly at all! Your shot will most definitely miss and it is nearly impossible for you to aim to hit the broadside of a barn!




Capacity is the equivalent of all of your strengths combined, and that number will determine how much equipment you will be able to place on your character! Equipment does not contribute to this number.

Heavy Gear will cost 8 Capacity to wear.
Medium Gear will cost 5 Capacity to wear.
Light Gear will cost 1 Capacity to wear.

Accessories, Off-hand items, Main Hand Items, and Novice gear do not have a capacity cost (unless otherwise stated).

Should you go OVER your capacity limit. You will become encumbered, and thus halve your speed, and stop you from using any sort of projectiles as all of your focus will be spent on keeping yourself upright from the crushing weight of your gear.


Not so much a "Hidden stat" as everything you do will revolve around this stat, though it is directly intertwined with your Endurance. For every point placed into Endurance, your Stamina will increase by 1. Your Stamina is not effected by any sort of buffs to your Endurance and will be based off your base Endurance. Your stamina may not increase past its maximum even if you use a transformation. Once you fall below half your stamina pool, you will start to feel the effects on your body, reducing each of your stats by 1 level (this does not effect your maximum stamina pool). This increases to 3 levels when you get below 1/4th of your stamina pool, and if you hit 0 you will pass out. 



This stat signifies your character's life. Though when you reach 0, you do not die outright. Much like when your stamina hits 0, you will pass out. Once this happens, it will be up to the player/s who brought your health to 0 whether they will deal a death blow or not. Death blows may not happen until a person's health reaches 0. Your health is made up from your Strength (both Physical and Reiryoku) with no addition of talents, combined with your Endurance, plus 1. Your Health may not go into the negatives, and will stop at 0 regardless of the damage that put you there. 

Proxy Stats

Some talents and equipment will supplement your stats, increasing them in some form or fashion. These stats are not "real" and are only there to show either a proficiency (Zanjutsu/Hakuda/Krav Maga), or an enhancement in some form or fashion (Equipment). As such, these stats will not effect the Endurance rule of 10+.

Spiritual Tiers

Your Spiritual Tier is dictated by your level, with every 10 levels ranking you up a tier starting at level 10. Your Spiritual Tier will also influence the area around you, with those 20 levels under you feeling a significant weight on them in your presence, with that pressure being even greater at every 10 levels the person is above the other, with anything greater than 50 levels above the other person immobilizing them entirely.


Equipment will can have some interesting effects. From increasing stats, to having active effects, to even just being a cool factor! You may only equip 1 piece of gear equipped to each equipment slot that you have. And some sets of equipment even have bonus effects the more you equip!


Any stats affected by equipment will now have your updated stat in < > beside your stat in your profiles. These are not base stats, and should not be treated as such. They increase your stats, much like buffs or stances. These stats are not true stats, and thus they can not be used to transfer into stances. Nor do they affect any HIDDEN STATS. 


Equipment can not be equipped or unequipped while within a fight (unless agreed upon), nor are you able to change equipment while within a fight thread.


Here is a breakdown of each of the slots:
HEAD- Helmet, hat, hood etc.
SHOULDERS- Shoulderpads, pauldrons, etc.
CHEST- Breastplates, Tunics, Shirts
ARMS- Bracers, Gloves, Gauntlets
BACK- Cloaks, Capes
LEGS- Grieves, Leggings, Pants
MAIN HAND- Weapons (This will usually be a weapon that is held by your dominant hand. If your race uses an item to fight with this takes that spot. The exception is Witches, THESE DO NOT HAVE A WEIGHT IN MOST CASES)
OFF HAND- Trinkets, Weapons, Shields (For witches, their Grimoire takes up this space, THESE DO NOT HAVE A WEIGHT IN MOST CASES)
FEET- Boots, Sabatons, Shoes


You will notice the “Main Hand” is taken up by most that would use a weapon. This may change depending on the FORM of that weapon and what it takes up.


Broken Equipment

Equipment will break if it is struck by a tiered attack. All equipment will has a durability to withstand up to a Tier 2 attack, with HEAVY equipment being able to withstand up to a Tier 3 attack. It does not have to be a direct attack towards the piece of equipment, but rather if you block a Tier 2 with your arms while wearing bracers, and they are not HEAVY, they will break.


Equipment that is broken will be unserviceable until the end of the interaction in which it was broken, assumed to be repaired and brought back to use after the thread is over and allowing for later functionality again.


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