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Skill Tiers

Each person starts with their character having a total of 6 Skills that they may use. 3 Tier 1 skills, 2 Tier 2 skills and 1 Tier 3 skill. Every 10 levels (starting at level 10) you will gain a Tier 1 Skill slot that can be used with any ability you have.


You may combine Tiers of the same level to increase their tier value. 


I.e. 2 Tier 1's fused together to create a Tier 2, or 2 Tier 2's fused together to create a Tier 3. You may also break down tiers, however this will always result in only 1 of the reduced tiers.


(All cooldowns are in effect at the first post of you within the fight of a thread)

If you perform an action that is not a part of a skill, it will be known as "Tierless". These give no bonuses, and no extra effects regarding the ability you are using to produce the Tierless skill.


Tierless Actions can not increase in tier via the Damage scale. And Tierless actions CAN NOT clash with Tiered attacks. You may only produce Tierless attacks for things your Ability can do. If your Ability is manipulating fire, you can not then create a sword of ice. Hand to hand combat that does not use Tiered skills will be counted as Tierless.

Range: Can vary, but won't be more than 50 ft.


This is the weakest of any attacks, with a maximum damage of 1.

Damage = (Tier 0 x STR/END DIff) + 1


Skill Types

There are plenty of skill types within Bleach: Shattered Realms. And more are being added on all the time. If you want to ensure that your skills will be accepted, check here and see if it falls under one of the types and follow the rules set out for it to help ensure quick and easy approval! If you have something that DOESN'T fall under any of these, please bring it up for discussion. Who knows! Maybe you'll have created a new type of skill we don't have!


As a rule of thumb, your skills may only fall under 1 of these categories. If it falls under more it may be subject to stipulations or denial.

No Skills within our system will be instant. All Skills and talents will have some sort of speed associated with it. The only talent that is actually "Instant" is Titan's Blink Talent. 

Banned Skill and Ability Types

Simply these are the Skill types that are deemed too broken to fix and should be avoided at all costs. As such, any skill types based around these tropes will be immediately denied and sent back to you for reconsideration.
Time - Anything to do with the concept of time or the formation of said time to include timelines.
Space - Space in reality, or even space as a concept are not valid. Removing said space is also null and void (pun).
Gravity - Effecting of gravity in anyway is a no go. Albeit if you were making something lighter or heavier that is technically different.
Amalgamation - Combining of races, skills, or others as not intended in the system. Or trying to be a combination of everything possible is not viable. You are what you are, reroll if you are wanting to change it.
Resurrection - No. You may not "Die" and come back to life through some sort of Cell (DBZ) mechanic. This is not fun to play against and it is not allowed. If you die, you're dead. Move on.
Canon - No. Stop it. You're not Ichigo, you're not Toshiro. You're your own character, be original.

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