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In The Beginning

The first Shinigami was formed much like the rest of the living beings now inhabiting Earth. A form, budding from the Soul King himself, before molding itself into a humanoid shape and placing itself at the foot of the Soul King. Hikari Hakai was the first Shinigami to lay eyes upon the Soul King, as he looked up to meet his gaze. A task was given, one to protect the Humans from the ones now known as Hollows. And though the Shinigami gave a confused look at first, unsure why the Soul King didn't just banish the Hollows and be done with it, he simply nodded and rose, blade already in hand; The first Zanpaktou "Sōzō no hana".

The Soul King raises his hand once more, twelve more entities, nay, Shinigami rising beside Hikari, each wielding their own blades. And as the order is given, each of them disappear, save Hikari who looked up to the Soul King with a wondering gaze for a long moment before also disappearing. Each of them quickly dispatched Hollows at far corners of the world, saving some Humans and even stopping some from becoming Hollows. But this news spread fast among the hierarchy of Hollows and as they heard of these so-called Shinigami, the strongest of them banded together to take them down.

They would come together, the presence drawing in each and every Shinigami that had been created to stop them, with a bloody battle to ensue. Each side taking casualties, but the Hollows eventually overpowered the Shinigami, destroying them and crushing the resistance. All except one, who watched the battle from the sidelines as his fellow Shinigami fell one by one. Hikari watched, with bated breath and a frown on his face, disappearing as the last of them fell to stand before the Soul King once more.

He pleaded with the Soul King, telling him that they needed more power, they needed more strength to beat the Hollows and stop them from destroying his Humans that he loved so much. And it was then, that the Soul King reached up, grabbing the fabric of reality itself and split the dimension in twain. Hikari disappearing with it to an unknown place as the Soul Stream was created and along with it, the Soul Society. It was here that the Soul King would reside, along with his creation of Shinigami and souls who wished to not return to the World of The Living. He would allow those who would come back to him to become Shinigami, granting them the power to wield a Zanpaktou, created by his Blacksmith and tailored to their very soul.

Taking his place upon his throne, he gave one last order to his creations: Protect the Humans. Before falling silent, unmoving, eyes ever facing forward and a smile upon his face. It wasn't long before a hierarchy was put in place for the Shinigami, and they built high walls to keep the lower leveled beings from seeing the Soul King. A court was formed of squads, suited for different capabilities, and thus came the beginning of the Seireitei and Shinigami as a whole.

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