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In The Beginning

Yhwach. A name that will ring out through history loud enough to shake its very foundation. A man who banded together with other Humans to fight back against the Hollows that were ravaging their homes and killing hundreds of them daily. Using the very spiritual energy that resided in the world itself and area around them known as Reishi, they form spirit weapons capable of destroying the very souls of the Hollows that were defeated by them.


They formed whole towns and cities of those who could wield these spirit weapons, with Yhwach claiming the title of Emperor among them. A self claimed king among a dominion of Humans, he called those under him the Quincy. Purists who destroy the dark monsters known as Hollows completely, removing them from the soul stream and keeping them from returning to the Soul King. It became peaceful within the Quincy cities with regular hunting parties keeping the creatures at bay, and those who were on the verge of death within the walls being pierced with a Reishi arrow with their last breath to ensure they would not become one of the monsters.


Yhwach watched from high atop his throne, a smug smile planted permanently across his face though a thirst for more power burned his throat. In the coming years he would bring Quincy into his court, stripping them of their abilities and power for himself while hoarding his power over the masses, effectively becoming emperor of the world for a long standing time. The people of the Quincy cities were kept in lavish wealth and prosperity, most notably within Rome where he would have statues and coliseums built for himself. People would flock to him for healing, and it became an honor to be absorbed by His Majesty.


The other Human civilizations kept their distance from the Quincy cities, and the Emperor brought them all under his protection though they shunned his ideologies. And with their faux subjugation, and millennia of forgotten teachings, Yhwach started to call himself the one true son of the Soul King. People would come to him from everywhere, asking to gain just a fraction of his power, their own diluted and weak from generations of distance from the Soul King. Which he was all the more willing to give as long as they plead frailty to him. 


The age of the Emperor reigned, for thousands of years stopping only after what the Quincy would call,

"The Blood War".

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