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A being is born into existence, a great celestial being thrown from a bassinet of great light and darkness into the void of space and time. Its blank eyes stare out upon the entirety of it all, looking at the very short past, its current place, and how the future will play out. Alone it sits for a hundred years, every possible outcome running through its mind as the universe expands exponentially in every direction from them. A formless mass, it reaches out; though only with its mind at first, it felt as though it needed to reach something, and so an arm began to form, stretched towards the stars that were exploding in the distance with fiery vigor of newfound life, time not yet extinguishing them.


The being turns its head in curiosity as its arm forms, a hand at the end with five odd shaped mandibles at the end. To call them fingers would be a misnomer as they bent and twisted in odd ways and as it looked upon the hand it seemed to shape it to its will until finally the fingers righted themselves to something seeming more natural. And as they do, they grab hold of what is in front of them. Like a fabric within their newly formed hand, they held the very space time that had created them. Their mind searched for a reason why but when none was found they simply let go of the fabric and reached out once more with their other hand, forming along the left side of them as they did so.


It seemed as though they were able to create themselves into whatever they wished to be. And with this, they reached both hands out in front of them and brought them to themselves in a rush, a body forming along a long part of space time as it swirled and hardened, softened and elongated, forming tentacles, exoskeleton, and a slime like consistency before finding solid form to look akin to what we would know a human body would look like. Devoid of any gender, the entity had a body that looked chiseled from stone, grey skin covering it and rigid lines everywhere. Their eyes, pure white and devoid of any expression as in the middle of his head another forms slit vertical instead of Horizontal.


Happy with their work, they look towards a close star and reach out, scooping it up into their palm as one would scoop water from a river and brings it to them. Looking it over, the entity's face shows curiosity once more as it brings the star closer. If they were able to create themselves an image, maybe they were able to create whatever they wished. And with that thought, they close their hands over the star for but a moment and as they open their hands once more, the star is now condensed fully, spinning on its own in uniform explosions of heat as smaller planets circle it in perfect synchronous fashion. A smile creeps across the blank face as the entity reaches forward, pushing a couple of the newly formed rocks around in a few directions, throwing off the perfect synchronous rotation that each rock shared.


They sit for a long while, holding their creation in their hands and admiring it as a child would a toy. Though after a thousand years, the entity began to grow bored of their creation and their solitude. What use was creating something as fabulous as this if there were no one to share it with. It was then that they began to look amongst the small rocks circling their star. One in particular he decided to take an interest in, one close to his star, yet not close enough that the heat was scorching the rock. A name shall be decided for it, as it will be their favorite.

And after thousands of years had passed, the entity watching over their favorite stone finally comes up with a name: Earth. And as if the name itself garnered some sort of power, it was as if a protective barrier formed around the rock, further shielding it from the harmful rays of the star, and as it does in a blink of the great entity life sprung up on the rock, in the form of plants and different animals and microorganisms forming within what would be a large body of water. This new found life sparked even more curiosity within the entity and they became excited to watch them grow and evolve as time went on.

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