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Experience is the backbone of our leveling system. You may equate this to how spiritually powerful your character is as the more experience your character has, the higher your level. The higher your level, the greater your stats can be increased, a simple concept. However, the way you gain experience is through participation within the server. Those who participate more will ultimately become stronger faster, and those who lack will be left in the dust as is the way of the world. 

Gaining EXP

There are three separate ways to gain experience: Thread Grading, Events, Rifts.


Thread Grading:

Players are able to submit 5 threads a week for grading (see GRADING) which resets every week on Sunday. Admins, Mods and Graders will get to them as soon as possible and the EXP will be applied to your character immediately upon grading. Please be patient with them, but if your thread has gone a couple weeks without grading please let someone know.



When players join an event, they are joining within a story arch that may or may not take place within this universe or place you within another for a brief stint of time if the story permits. Events will last no more than 3 months and timeline wise will be set the furthest ahead in your character's story since death can happen at any time while within the event. Experience and any rewards that are given out will be at the conclusion of the Event, and will be based on grading of the Event as a whole. Threads that have been completed while within the event may be submitted for grading!



A rift may pop up at anytime, anywhere, for whatever reason. It may happen within an area that already has people within it, or it may happen in a place that has no one within it at the moment. Though when one does present itself, there will be two types: Conduit or Relay. A relay will transport those who touch it to another location within another Universe temporarily. A Conduit will be the opposite, with something or someone coming through to this side. These rifts are contained within their own thread and once it is complete, those involved will receive a grading for it. Rifts may close at any time! And are unpredictable.



Technically this is a fourth way of gaining experience, but if you are a part of staff there are multiple avenues to get EXP for doing staff duties. Please contact a member of staff for more information on this.


Everyone starts off at level 5, with 5 Talent Points and 5 Stat Points, increasing by 1 for each level you go up. You may only place these points while you are not within a FIGHT thread. Please see RP rules for more information on this. 

Each level will increase the difficulty to get subsequent levels. And to find the amount of EXP needed for a certain level use the following formula:

((Level +1) / 0.46)^2= Experience needed


The current max level is 100. Once you reach this, any subsequent experience gained will be converted into shards at a rate of 10:1. This is not possible before reaching max level


Death sucks... We all know this, however that doesn't have to be the end of the road for your characters. While carrying heavy detriments upon character death, you are still capable of playing that character (Mod-Souls unincluded). Also, if you find yourself in a dead end with a character's storyline and choose to start something fresh, you can always choose to reroll a character into someone else you're more motivated to use!


Whenever you die, you will receive some hefty downsides:

-- 30% of Experience points will be lost as a Native character. This will increase to 50% if you are a Legacy character or wish to reincarnate as a different one.

-- All items and shards will be lost (half of your shards going to the person who killed you, and your items may be picked up as well)

-- Event rewards such as Skill slots or Talent points will be lost

-- Memory Loss; Upon death you will lose the last 3 months of IRL time from your character. Any threads that occurred within those 3 months will just be lost time to your character and they will not remember any of it. There will be no meta ways to get this time back, such as a "feeling" that you get you've met someone before that you didn't, or a repressed flashback. That time is gone and though there is a way to get it back, you will have to figure that out yourself.


If however you are above Level 50 upon death, you may choose to become a Sinner (Mod-Souls not included) In which case you are then able to keep everything except for your shards and items. This will increase the death detriment to 60% instead however, but while you are a sinner, you will not lose any event rewarded skill slots or talent points, and you will have no memory loss.


Rerolling a character doesn't force you to start from 0 and instead you can still benefit from your past efforts in the character you used before. When choosing to make a new character outside of character death, you can roll over 50% of the EXP from your previous one, otherwise remaining the same as a fresh character sheet.


There are 2 ways to ensure what I like to call "True Death" where the person is unable to reincarnate at all.

1. Death by a Quincy Spiritual weapon (to include their Heilig Pfeil, Ginto, etc), this will also include someone using the Quincy Bangle from the shop.

2. Total absorption of their soul. Only 2 paths have this ability to do this, but if they do it they consume all of your soul and you will not be able to reincarnate.

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