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Hollow Talents

Hollow Core
0: You are NOT a Hollow
1: You are a Demi-Hollow, a soul who still has a chain though it is starting to be removed.
2: You are a Lesser Hollow, with a mask and distorted body, with qualities that show your true self.
3: [Requires 5 NPC Souls or 1 PC Soul] You are now a Menos class Hollow, tripling your original size.
4: [Requires 15 NPC Souls or 2 PC Souls] You are now a Gillian class Hollow, your mask taking a more original form.
5: [Requires 30 NPC Souls or 3 PC Souls] You are now an Adjuchas class Hollow.

You revert to your original size or close to it, and regain full control over yourself.
6: [Requires 6 PC Souls] You have become the epitome of Hollow, a Vasto Lorde.

Your form becomes almost as you were when you were alive.


From the first hollow, ever since these creatures have roamed the realms looking to devour everything within their paths.


Where they travel, devastation lays in their wake. They often have animalistic appearances, even if human while living. 


Not all of them are inherently evil, and are more products of their situation. But all have a thirst, a hunger to feed upon other souls to increase their own power.


Though they may seem weak when alone, they have been known to work together to take down stronger foes.





Arrancar Royal

Royal Knight

Dark Dweller


  • Strong Late game if you're able to get to it

  • Easily attainable paths

  • Most abilities in the game.


  • Everyone hates you

  • No release until later (Arrancar or Path)

  • No access to a Type tree




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