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Squad 1

This division is the head of Gotei 13 and the ones responsible for relaying Central 46 orders, dealing with Soul Society law and monitoring the other divisions. The captain of the 1st Division is also the head of all other captains and the leader of Gotei 13, given the rank of Captain Commander. 


Likewise, the 1st Division vice-captain is leader of the vice-captains and has authority over all vice-captains, next to their own captains and the General Commander. This division has the least number of Shinigami.


- Fair and Just

- Lighthearted

- Serious when need be

- Strategic and Analytical



- Enhanced Physiology

Captain: Shinohara Ryuu


Lieutenant: - Miyake Takahiro

Seat 3: - Miyoshi Michiko

Seat 4: - Ohara Masuyo

Seat 5: - Kono Keiko

Seat 6: - Inouye Yuko

Seat 7: - Tao Chikako

Seat 8: - Masuda Katsuo

Seat 9: - Oka Mari

Seat 10: - Mizuno Kohaku

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