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In The Beginning

In the early days of Hollow attacks, they weren't really concerned with people escaping their grasp as they would eat to their hearts content. With fewer and fewer people able to see them, they were able to come and go as they pleased, eating as much as they wanted, why would they have to worry about letting people go? That is until the first of the Fullbringers came to be. A pregnant Human escaping a Hollow attack unscathed wasn't exactly unheard of, but along with that are those who were injured in some way and yet still lived. The Hollow's Reiryoku mixing with the mothers like an infection, a side effect from the first Hollow, and infecting the budding life within the womb before its Reiryoku completely manifested.


As such, when those children were born, they were with fantastical abilities. It was found that they had the ability, though small, they could manipulate the very essence of the area around them. They could bend and shape the ground to their will, water seemed to flow at their movements, the very air around them seemed thicker and almost tangible. And unlike the Witches who had secluded themselves to their own devices to protect their kind, these Hollow-borns, soon to be called Fullbringers were able to help protect the Human populace from the ever growing threat of Hollows.


The Humans wouldn't have many Fullbringers at first, but were able to capture a smaller Hollow and use it to replicate the results, causing a large influx of Fullbringers to push the Hollow forces back, even after the great realm separation. Though once the Hollows caught wind of the way these new beings were coming to be, they pounced upon the ones responsible, the most powerful of Hollows wiping out all involved they could find leaving only a handful of Fullbringers and making a law amongst themselves to finish any Human they injure to stop this from happening again.

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