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In The Beginning

Since the beginning, when the Soul King created the world, there has been energy within it. This energy manifested, and formed beings born from the very elements that were engrained into the world itself. Creatures and beings that were made purely of elements forming into sentience and then creating societies. They lived free from strife and pain for thousands of years. However, as time passed, some entities found a way to amass more of the power than others. Harnessing it and controlling elements, concepts, or even emotions to fuel their powers. They would become the gods of what they control, the first Iraivans. 


When the Soul King came to the world, the Iraivans banded together, afraid of the Soul King's power and split the plane into what is known as the Reverse. It would develop alongside the World of The Living, but without the Humans and Beasts that were created from the Soul King. The Iraivans would protect their followers from the Soul King's descendants until they were sure they could be safe. Though this safety would never come. They watched as the Humans formed societies and waged war against each other. It only becoming worse once the Hollows would be introduced.


The Iraivans themselves fought about what they should do, and thus began to slay one another to gain power and control over the others. Many losing followers by the thousands in a matter of days, they would begin to lose their power as those who worshipped them would begin to dwindle and recluse into obscurity. 


It would be then, that a Witch would stumble upon the Reverse. And find themselves in this fantastical world separated from their own and yet looking nearly identical. He was able to see the fantastical beings known as the Fae for fleeting moments as they ran to tell their Iraivans that a Human had made it into the Reverse. The witch was cunning though, and was able to stave off his execution by giving promise to the Iraivans who bared down upon him.


The Fae were able to change their form, they could walk among the humans and none be the wiser. They could form churches for the Iraivans there and have each gain not only Fae followers, but Human ones as well to fuel their power. A particularly powerful Iraivan saw promise in this, and thus made a pact with the Witch. Allowing both his kind and the Fae to travel freely through the Reverse. And thus allowing the creation of WingBind to come to fruition.


The Fae were delighted! They were now able to go back to the normal plane and live among the elements they had known and nurture the world once more. However, what they found was nothing but death and destruction as the humans and beast alike, continued to slay one another...

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