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There are 3 types of actions within the server: Major Actions, Minor Actions, and Narrative Actions.


Major Actions

Your first Major Action within a post is protected and is unable to be interrupted if you are within the same speed tier. And each subsequent Major Action will incur a -2 Speed penalty, doubling with every action after that.

(EX. 1st Major Action: Base speed; 2nd Major Action: - 2 Speed; 3rd Major Action: -4 Speed; 4th Major Action: -8 Speed)

These actions are typically a set of movements or steps, such as attacks. They are a collection of Minor Actions that ultimately end up causing some sort of major outcome.


NOTE: Any Skill that is used will be a Major Action with the exception of High Speed Movements or Supplementary Upkeeps.


Minor Actions

These are the actions surrounding Major Actions, and are typically movements, or talking, or assessing the situation. All of these can be seen as Minor Actions. A person may write two whole paragraphs and never do a full Major Action, it is completely viable to do so. 


Minor Actions will not contribute to the Speed Penalty.


Narrative Actions

Also known as Narrative Charge, these are actions in which what you are doing has some sort of wind-up or tell. Most notably, Kido and Quincy Arrows have a Narrative Charge. These actions lie slightly between Major and Minor actions, and they will cause the Major Action you are performing to be slightly slower than if you had no Narrative charge. As such, a Skill that has a Narrative Action will have a -2 Speed on it. 


This does not contribute to the Speed Penalty itself, it just makes your Major Actions a little slower. This will allow your opponent to be able to see what you are attempting to do and ready themselves for it before you perform the full action.


Combat Example

Player 1: Runs up to kick at Player 2.
(The Major Action of this post is kicking Player 2)
Player 2: Dodges to the right of Player 1's foot. Turning to punch at Player 1's cheek.
(The Reaction of this post is dodging the kick, the Action is punching at Player 1. This punch is not able to be interrupted in the combat flow and must be reacted to in Player 1's next post.)



Speed in combat can be broken down into tiers, each one giving subsequent ideals on what you can expect when fighting something that has more speed than you do. Regard the tiers below when determining if you are able to dodge something or not. Each of these are regarding your speed vs their speed, regardless if it is Reiryoku Speed or Physical Speed.

0-4 Difference: You are on equal terms of speed and are able to fight on par with your opponent. Though this does not mean you can dodge EVERYTHING you and your opponent will have to outwrite each other and push you into a corner. You may attempt a Glancing Blow if dodging doesn't make sense for the scenario.

5-7 Difference: It is more difficult to dodge attacks, making you unable to fully dodge and instead you are able to redirect the hit. I.e. if it was meant to hit you in the chest, you are able to turn and make it hit your arm. You may attempt Glancing Blows at this tier.

8-10 Difference: You are unable to dodge most of the attack, making it almost impossible to even redirect at all. You can move slightly, to attempt to put what would be a lethal organ strike to one that would just wound you, but ultimately you will be hit by the action. You may not attempt Glancing Blows.
11+ Difference: There is no dodging the attack, it will hit you, directly where the poster said that it would and you will not be able to react to it. You may not attempt Glancing Blows.


Glancing Blows

Rather than take the full force from an attack, you may make a Glancing Blow to barely scrape by and miss vital areas, perhaps getting clipped by a stray attack or narrowly missing the apex of an attack. As such, a successful Glancing Blow will reduce the damage taken from an attack by 25% (rounded down) with a minimum of 1 damage dealt.


Damage is broken down into how hard you are hit when something hits you, and is effected by how much strength a person has over your endurance. Taking more significant damage will cause you to lose limbs, or functionality of them. This scale is to be used as a guide coupled with a roleplayer's own discretion. If you believe that a cut would sever your arm, or something akin to that, you do not strictly have to abide by this for the sake of story. This is so that you can do large moves, and get hurt and still have a way to fight back instead of instant death.


Damage Calculation: To Calculate the damage taken by a skill, multiply the difference between your strength and their endurance by the tier level used, and then add 1.

Simplified: Damage = (Tier X * Diff) + 1 [X is tier used and diff is difference between your strength and their endurance]

If your strength is equal to or less than their endurance, simply add 1 to the tier used and that will be the damage calculated.


Damage Scale


0-8 Damage: This is superficial damage. Light cuts, bruising, scratches, etc. These won't do much by themselves, but can add up overtime to have someone pass out from bloodloss or trauma. Nothing that can't be helped with some rest and bandaids.

9-15 Damage: This is more significant damage. Deep cuts, broken bones, potentially losing functionality of struck body parts. This damage isn't going to keep you from fighting, but you won't be at 100% anymore. You'll definitely be feeling the effects.


16-24 Damage: This is damage that will cause you to lose a limb. When struck by this amount of damage you will no longer have the limb hit. It will be either destroyed completely or laying on the ground somewhere. This sort of damage isn't exactly fight ending, but you should probably stop fighting...


25+ Damage: This is pretty much fight ending damage. If you're taking this much damage, you probably shouldn't be in this fight in the first place. This damage destroys body parts upon hit, like a hot knife through butter. You need to seek medical attention if you're not dead yet.



Characters are subject to a speed detriment over the distance they travel in a turn. This will extend to any summons or familiars or dolls that the character may have, notwithstanding. This movement detriment will start to take effect, at 50 ft. Reducing your speed by 2, doubling every 25 ft. Just like projectiles, if you ever would reach 0 from the detriment then you may not move any further in that turn of posting.


  • 50ft: -2 Speed

  • 75ft: -4 Speed

  • 100ft: -8 Speed

  • etc. etc.


Otherwise known colloquially as Weight, Anchor, what have you, Counter is a numerical representation of how impeded your character's movement is through things such as grapples, intense pressure, or whatever else might deter them. 


Counter Total

All characters start a thread unimpeded and therefore have a Counter Total of 0. If something were to increase your Counter Total through things such as Snares or other similar effects, your character will receive a cumulative penalty to their Speed equal to the total. Every 2 points in your Counter Total will temporarily disable a limb (use simple logic to determine such), and 10 total counters will completely immobilize a character and effectively stun them. 


Removing Counters

The two primary ways to remove whatever counters impede your character is to either passively wait for them to deteriorate or for you to spend stamina removing them yourself. Passively, your Counter Total degrades by 1 point at the end of each turn with a minimum of 0. If you wish to remove your counters manually, you must spend stamina equal to your Counter Total to remove them all at once as a minor action. Stamina spent to remove counters MUST pay the full price.



Snares are skills that, as the name implies, attempt to impede your opponent. As such, they will add to the Counter Total based on the effective Tier of the skill used.​

  • Tier 1: 1 Counter

  • Tier 2: 2 Counters

  • Tier 3: 4 Counters


Spiritual Tier

Sometimes characters are just way in over their heads and the opponents they face harbor much stronger Reiatsu than they do. This takes the form of an intense weight beating down on those of lower levels and effectively is treated as a static Counter Total induced on the individual's body. For every 10 levels under someone that you are, you will have an effective +2 Counters imposed upon you, being fully immobilized of someone is 50 levels above you. Stamina can be paid to remove these counters, but unless the situation changes significantly to where this is no longer a constant, these same counters will be added at the start of your next turn.

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