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Arrancar Talents

Hollow Core

Rank 0: You were never a Hollow to begin with. How you made it here is beyond me!


Rank 1-6:  Ability to Rank Arrancar Talents up to [RANK]. Cero, Core Element, Unique Anatomy, High Speed Regeneration are all locked and Kumon has been upgraded to Descorrer.


Whether it be from agony and strife, or through pure power. These are individuals who have torn their mask from their faces, transforming themselves into a semblance of their former selves. Their hollow selves being sealed into a blade much like a Zanpaktou.


This blade has a release in which it will bring forth the users once animalistic form as a Hollow, allowing for them to use their abilities once more.


The first Hollow was the first to become an Arrancar. And she has pathed the way for others to follow in her footsteps. Though not all who she helps are loyal. It is said that there are some Arrancar out there that have surpassed the power of even the Queen. Having found their true calling within their Arrancar selves. Only time will tell if this is true... 





Feral (Hollow)

Arrancar Royal (Hollow)

Royal Knight (Hollow)

Dark Dweller (Hollow)






  • The strongest talents in the game if you can acquire them

  • Stronger T2 Release

  • Most Talents in the game


  • Your talent points in Hollow are locked after transforming

  • Limited placement of talent points if not high enough Hollow Core

  • Slightly more difficult paths to attain at this level




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